May Awareness Causes
Here is list of May awareness causes with the color ribbon that is associated with that cause. Please let us know if there is a cause that needs to be added.
Melanoma- Black Ribbon. While we do not have a black ribbon. We do have jewelry with ribbons that are silver. These pieces of jewelry can be worn for various causes that use a ribbon.
Lou Gehrig's Disease- Blue/White Ribbon While we do not have a black ribbon. We do have jewelry and keychains with ribbons that are silver. These pieces of jewelry can be worn for various causes that use a ribbon. The keychains can be used every day.
Check out all of our mental health awareness products.
Asthma, Brain Cancer, Brain Tumor -Gray Ribbon
Lyme Disease- Lime Green Ribbon
Bladder Cancer- Yellow Ribbon
If you would like us to offer yellow ribbon products, please call 9197202520 or email:
We do offer jewelry and keychains with a silver ribbon that can stand for any awareness cause.