September Awareness Causes
Here is list of September awareness causes with the color ribbon that is associated with that cause. Please let us know if there is a cause that needs to be added.
National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. The color for Prostate Cancer Awareness is light blue. Prostate cancer affects more then 3 million men in the USA every year.
Leukemia Cancer Awareness Month is in September. The color for Leukemia Awareness is orange. Leukemia affects 200,000 people in the USA per year.
Lymphoma Awareness Month is in September. The color for Lymphoma Awareness is lime green. About 72,240 people are affected by lymphoma each year.
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month is in September. The color for childhood cancer is gold. Childhood cancer affects 15,270 children and teens ages 1 to 19.
Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month is in September. The color for ovarian cancer is teal. Ovarian cancer affects about 200,000 women each year.
Hodgkins Lymphoma Awareness Month is in September. The color for Hodgkins Lymphoma's color is violet. Hodgkins Lymphoma affects about 200.000 Americans each year.
We have lots of products that can be used for any cause. There are other causes the month of September. Those include, but are not limited to: Muscular Dystrophy, Suicide Prevention, Sickle Cell Anemia, Brain Aneurysm, Graves' Disease, Endometrial Cancer, and Uterine Cancer.